Elizabeth Roderick
Gracie & Zeus Live the Dream
Grace chases stories about the famous with her son Zeus. They're about to be run over by fame.
Grace Morgan has been on the music scene long enough to know the life of sex, drugs & rock & roll is just a dream. But after a messy divorce, Grace wants to give her dream of being a music journalist one last shot.
She moves to LA with her 21-year-old foster son, Zeus. They live in a motel on cup noodles and hope, until Grace finally gets a break: a story about Inez Carter, hot-mess frontwoman of the popular band Karma Korn.
The story delivers more sex, drugs and rock & roll than Grace bargained for. Karma Korn’s drummer, Nelson, has Grace rethinking her post-divorce vow of celibacy. And after they’re invited to an elite Hollywood rave, where they mistakenly drink the electric Kool-Aid, Zeus is scouted to be the lead guitarist for another star band.
However, the story soon goes sideways, and things aren’t adding up. Someone is spreading rumors about Grace, trying to sabotage her career and reputation. Then someone tries to kill her. Grace is left frantically trying to connect the dots in the dwindling hope she’ll be able to salvage the story, her relationship with Nelson, and her life.
Gracie & Zeus Live the Dream is a romantic comedy with some violence, primarily passive or slapstick. The following elements are present, but this list is not necessarily exhaustive. Most readers of cozy mysteries will find the amount and type unremarkable. Zeus is a neuroatypical character written by a neuroatypical author, and some people may be uncomfortable with how others treat the character.
- Comedic (physically impossible) dreams of violence
- Poisoning
- Involuntary drug use
- Car chases
- Kidnapping
- Handcuffs
- Attempt to frame murder as suicide
- Some stereotyped characters (alongside less stereotyped characters of similar type)
- Ableism by main and secondary characters
Published on 11 May 2021 by Cinnabar Moth Publishing LLC
Cover by Dane from Ebook Launch
ISBN: 978-1-953971-04-3 (Paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-953971-06-7 (Hardcover)
ISBN: 978-1-953971-05-0 (EPUB)
ISBN: 978-1-953971-07-4 (Audiobook) — Performed by Ivy Tara Blair