Dana Hammer
Fanny Fitzpatrick and the Brother Problem
Fanny Fitzpatrick is back, and there’s a new god in town. Can Fanny save her friends from Dion’s negative influence, while also solving her family’s money problems? Of course she can. She’s Fanny Fitzpatrick.
Meanwhile, Fanny’s mother is suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, which basically means she pukes all the time, because she’s pregnant. With her mom unable to work, her dad is taking extra shifts to make more money, and things are getting tense at home. Fanny is excited to be a big sister, but all this sickness and stress over money are starting to take their toll on her.
Can Fanny save her friends from Dion’s negative influence, while also solving her family’s money problems? Of course she can. She’s Fanny Fitzpatrick.
Publication Date February 6, 2024 by Cinnabar Moth Publishing LLC
Cover by Ira Geneve
ISBN: 978-1-962308-00-7 (Paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-962308-01-4 (Hardcover)
ISBN: 978-1-962308-02-1 (EPUB)