Patricia Miller
Patricia Miller is a US Navy veteran born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, a mostly retired IT Type with a BS from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio and an MS in Library and Information Science from the University of Tennessee. She started reading at 3 1/2 after becoming obsessed with Batman comics and moved on to Asimov, Star Trek, Laurie King, Robin McKinley, Georgette Heyer, Anne McCaffrey, James Alan Gardner and, still, Batman.
She has about 3000 books and another 2000 comics in her study. The music collection ranges from Beethoven to Neil Young and leans in almost every direction. She is also hooked on QI, British murder villages, gardening shows and professional cycling.
Patricia has been married and divorced, helped build an aircraft carrier and a national memorial. She is the world’s pickiest eater and a savant with ready-to-assemble furniture.
Find her website here.
Find her Twitter here.