Kirstyn Petras
The Next Witness
Melody has no idea that her name is being used to start a movement, not until the executions of those demanding her freedom start airing on television. Derek Lin would feel sympathy, if he didn’t blame Melody for the deaths of those who have disappeared without a trace, caught up in the investigation to find her. Melody must choose to join the fight or stand aside. Will Derek become a leader or break under the pressure.
Alexander Covington is hunting a traitor: Melody Karsh, a missing girl accused of treason, a Party member who has forsaken her country. But, letters are appearing in mailboxes, being slipped beneath doors, and in the pockets of passersby. “Free Melody” is being spray painted on walls. Her image – cold, shivering, pathetic – has captured the public’s attention and sympathy.
Melody must choose to join the fight or stand aside. Derek will become a leader or break under the pressure. Alexander will decide how many bodies must fall to save his own life.
Published on 3 May 2022 by Cinnabar Moth Publishing LLC
Cover by Ira Geneve
ISBN: 978-1-953971-32-6 (Paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-953971-34-0 (Hardcover)
ISBN: 978-1-953971-33-3 (EPUB)